Legalize Civil Unions for Gays and Lesbians

There is absolutely no reason why we can not afford the civil union ceremony for gay couples seeking a commitment ceremony. What right do we, as fellow human beings have to decide what sexuality is the best or correct one Who gives us the right to decide how a person lives their life Our forefathers set a precedent by creating and signing the Decleration of Independence guaranteeing everyone the pursuit of hapiness. Today, while times have changeed and the government has revised and updated our laws, it is time we take a stand and made a plea for the rights of our gay population. We may not agree with their sexual preference, but who are we to decide that they do not deserve the same happiness and life that every other person deserves simply because of their sexual partner. We must take a stand and speak out for the rights of these fellow humans. If no one speaks out now, there will be no one left when the decision makers get to us. Don\'t let this injustice go unnoticed or ignored. Let our government know that you want gay civil unions legalized in every state! We support gay civil unions and we want you to support it too. Support the gays, they support you!!!!