The number of unwanted pregnancies is overwhelming. Someones' always pointing the finger. No , it's her fault. No , it's his fault. The majoirity of the time MEN are to blame. I say we nip it in the bud right now and make Vasectomy FREE to those who can't afford it. We've been giving out condoms for years and they're not even 100% effective. With a Vasectomy , it's a win win situation. If your girl ends up pregnant , it's strongly advised that you dump that trifeling Whore before you contract something more severe than a baby. Decreasing the amount of unwanted child births also decreases the amount of single mothers on welfare , funds taken out of the working man's check for STATE, and baby momma drama. Most guys that are running around getting women pregnant don't have insurance to begin with and this will help them out greatly.