Give students their credit after completing and passing a course.

I, Camden Mazzeo, completed Physics A/B in the summer of 2019 at Echelon Academy. I took the course over the summer because if I had physics in my schedule during my junior year along with AP World, AP Lang, Spanish, Math, and other classes I would be overwhelmed due to my anxiety and be unable to complete all of my work. To prevent me from failing my junior year and not graduating high school, I needed to take it at a time where I had more room to breathe. According to the MCPS protocol, if a student completes a course at a pre-approved school during a time that it is not offered at the students home MCPS school the credit can be transferred and counted on the transcript. Echelon is a school pre-approved by MCPS, and physics is a class that Blake High School does not offer during the summer. However Principal Bob Sinclair is denying me my credit that I rightfully earned by completing the whole Physics A/B course, by refusing to accept the transfer of the credit. I can not go through the entire course again when I have already completed it with hard work to get a solid understanding of the content and a solid grade. I encourage you to share and sign this to show Mr. Sinclair that it is not fair to take away somebody’s chance of graduating high school, solely because he himself did not approve the credit. I hope he can choose to do what’s right.