Give TABC participants an opportunity to buy 2021 swag online.
Due to the coronavirus's persistence, the Teen Author Boot Camp participants will not have the opportunity to come together and meet. (In-person.) While this makes us sad, we do understand the reasoning behind having to do the conference online. We know that safety needs to be the priority. Thanks to technology, we will still get the opportunity to meet virtually, and we are looking forward to it!
While attending the conference is the highlight of the experience (in-person or virtually), we as the teen participants are disappointed that we have to miss out on the awesome swag that is usually included in the conference, and for a second time! The swag may seem trivial to some, but for others, it provides a memory.
This petition (The Online Store Project) was created for the sole purpose of changing that! We desire an opportunity to get TABC 2021 swag! We propose an online store where things like shirts, book totes, lanyards, backpacks can be purchased. (We could even have a little fun and do sweatshirts and sweatpants to lounge in while watching the conference!)
We are reaching out, making our voices heard in hopes that The Online Store Project will be taken seriously. We do not desire to cause problems or strife; our only wish is to make our voices heard in hopes that this petition will be given a fair chance; please at least consider it.