signers. Add your name now!
signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Greetings Neighbors,
I hope everyone is having a great summer. I just wanted to update you on where we are with the city and our corner issue.
We finally have a "site" meeting scheduled with two members of the Alderman's office and a person from C-DOT on Thursday, August 28th at 8:30 am in front of 1356 W Rosemont.
This meeting is to evaluate best options for our corner. WE NEED AS MANY FOLKS AS WE CAN GET TO ATTEND!
The meeting will be short and the Alderman suggested that in order to get C-DOT to put our request in their budget, it would be best to show a strong support for it with as many neighbors as possible on that morning.
Please respond in the comment section of this post if you can make it!!!
Tom Mullen
The issue of speeding cars ignoring the stop signs has gotten to an all time high and is making our neighborhood extremely unsafe and we need your help to correct this.
We are seeking to get as many digital signatures as possible to have two speed bumps installed at the corner as an urgent matter of safety.
Believe it or not even with a school full of children on the same street, the Alderman's office is requesting a petition signed with over 80% of the neighbors on the corner to make this happen. So please sign this petition and thank you in advance for helping to keep our neighborhood safe.