In light of the charges against Presiding Officer Norma Gonsalves for 10 counts of failing to file financial disclosure reports electronically, as required by law, from 2006 through 2015; and
In refusing to report to the NYS Board of Elections on at least 34 occasions; and
In light of Presiding Officer Gonsalves’ reportedly being “unable to figure out the filing process”; and
With the belief that Gonsalves' incompetence together with her egregious efforts to hide her donations from the people, exemplifies Norma Gonslaves’ tenure as Presiding Officer as being one of “pay to play” politics, back-door deals, silencing of public debate and refusing to allow important legislation from coming to the floor.
We, the signers of this petition, believe Norma Gonsalves unqualified to serve as Presiding Officer of the Nassau County Legislature and request that the Majority Legislators appoint a new Presiding Officer to the Nassau County Legislature at its first meeting in January 2016.