Proposed Go Transit Layover Station - Nafziger Rd

We are not opposed to a Go Transit in Wilmot Township, we are opposed to the layover proposal and its location - Nafziger Road for the following reasons: 1) Environmental/Health/Noise Impact: There will be (4) diesel engines of the GP40 class and (10) passenger cars (unsure whether bi-level) for each engine. These engines were primarily used for freight, extremely noisy, and modified for passenger service. They will be started up at 4:30AM each morning and will idle for an hour before going into service. The additional shunting of passenger cars coupled with the existing shunting of freight will have a negative effect on the residents. - Diesel emissions known to contain high levels of pollutants. Considered one of the most significant threats to public health this decade, Canadians are increasingly at risk for a range of respiratory system diseases - from asthma to lung cancer - as a result of exposure to diesel exhaust. In a recently published report entitled "The Public Health Impact of Diesel Particulate Matter," the estimates are that as many as 13,600 Canadians will develop cancer over their lifetimes as a result of exposure to diesel particulate matter. These effects can be both accute and chronic. Furthermore, it also contributes to greenhouse gas emisssions. 2) Property Values: The current economic trend has already taken its toll on real estate. The new taxes coming into effect will also have an effect on our resale, eating into the equity in our homes which many use in the retirement years. Residents who would have to relocate for health reasons would suffer signifcant financial losses. 3) Quality of Life: As Ontarians we expect a Place to Stand, A Place to Grow and to lead safe and healthy lives. We expect our Governments at all levels to help us to achieve and live normal lives. That is all we ask. For more information, please visit http://tait.kelly.googlepages.com/gotransitproposedlayoverstation