Governor Mark Dayton: Please proclaim June 14th as Grandparent Alienation Awareness Day for Minnesota's children and families!
June 14th has been proclaimed by other states as Grandparent Alienation Awareness Day!
Strong family relationships constitute the foundation of our
communities and we believe that the children and families of Minnesota
deserve this day designated to create awareness and education for this
little known and severe form of abuse. Alienation is a term used to
describe any number of behaviors and attitudes designed to interfere,
damage or destroy a relationship between a child and family member.
Mental health professionals agree that the negative effects of
alienation can follow a child into adulthood with tragic consequences.
The recently published Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-5) made several references to the dysfunctional family
dynamic of alienation to be a form of psychological child abuse. This
awareness day is intended to increase the knowledge and understanding of
this issue to help families, institutions, the legal and mental health
community, and leaders to better identify and combat such abusive
behavior toward Minnesota's most vulnerable populations; it's children
and elderly. We respectfully request that you sign this petition to
encourage Governor Dayton to proclaim this day to help bring awareness
to the epidemic public health issue of alienation. Thank you for your