Governor Newsom: VETO SB-556 & AB-537

Dear Governor Newsom,
We respectfully request that you veto two bills currently awaiting your signature: Senate Bill SB-556 (Dodd) and Assembly Bill AB-537 (Quirk). These bills do not serve the interests of Californians for the following reasons:
1. Both bills will speed the deployment of tens of thousands of powerful new wireless antennas, many placed in close proximity to homes and apartments. The antennas will emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation 24/7, exposing everyone within the area, whether they use the service or not.
2. New studies demonstrate that the FCC’s long outdated exposure guidelines for RF radiation are inadequate to protect the public, particularly children. Now a federal court has ordered the FCC to re-evaluate those guidelines in the light of new science. This is the wrong time to be increasing everyone’s exposure to RF radiation so that telecoms can increase their profits.
3. These bills will not close the digital divide. The purpose of 5G is to provide data and video streaming services to customers who can pay for it; those in underserved and minority communities are less likely to sign up for expensive monthly plans or video packages.
4. Both bills take away local control at a time when it’s never been more critical. Local officials know their communities best and can best ensure that the placement and construction of antennas does not endanger public health and safety, or create a fire hazard.
5. Wired (fiber-optic) connections are faster, more affordable, future-proof, more reliable, more secure, and completely safe compared to wireless. Community-owned fiber is the key to our broadband future.
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