Greenwood Meadows Utility Pole

We, the residents of Greenwood Meadows, object to the erection of a cell tower/ utility pole at the intersection of Briarwood Drive East and West.
1.)We are concerned about the impact on the look and fell of our neighborhood. his will be he only above he ground utility pole in all of Greenwood Meadows.
2.) Part of the premium o buy in this neighborhood is the underground utilities. If approved, Verizon will look to install more of these throughout our neighborhood.
3.) We are thus concerned about he impact on the value of our homes and he impact on resale value.
4.) How many people will benefit from improved cell service given his locaion is a a very low point in the neighborhood?
5.) Is Verizon Wireless an utility? Do they have rights that extend to the "municipal right of way"?
6.) The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified RF fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” based on limited evidence of a possible increase in risk for brain tumors among cell phone users, and inadequate evidence for other types of cancer. (For more information on the IARC classification system, see Known and Probable Human Carcinogens.) IARC also noted that exposure to the brain from RF fields from cell phone base stations (mounted on roofs or towers) is less than 1/100th the exposure to the brain from mobile devices such as cell phones.
7.) The Environmental Protection Agency states that "Some people are concerned about potential health effects, especially on the developing brains and bodies of children. Some studies suggest that heavy long-term use of cellphones could have health effects. Other studies don't find any health effects from cellphone use. Long-term studies on animals exposed to the RF found in wireless networks (Wi-Fi) have, so far, found no health effects. Scientists continue to study the effects of long-term exposure to low levels of RF.” Therefore, it is yet unknown what the long term consequences are.