Illegal Satalite Expirements

This is a petition to all goverments to stop illegal sattalite expirements including The Neurophone, Advanced Neurophone, Psycho - Acoustic Projector, Psycho - Acoustic Projector, Methods & Systems for Altering Consciousness, U.S. Patent #5,123,899. June 23rd, 1992., U.S. Patent #5,289,438. February 22nd, 1994., Silent Subliminal Messages,Brainwave Scanners/Programs, EEG Cloning, slandering, wrongfull accusations,fraud, identity theft,using people for miltary tests, allcarried outby natural and technological satallite programs, terrorism, codewording things such as the media industy,Interuptingradio and television signals,controlling distribution of the national press and all things simillar, holograms fully interactive living amongst humans illegally,holding people prisoner seperate to society with possibly nothing but holograms, wrongfull imprisonment typicaly, so that they do not breach our human rights or break the law to insure the safety of our planet.