I have made this petition to address the issue with online players using tanks in GTA 5 online.
I’d go as far as saying that for the majority of GTA players, there is nothing more annoying than hearing the distant thud of tank munitions drawing closer while in the middle of a really good fire fight. It basically means you may as well hang up the session or climb a wall and go on passive until the dude driving the thing blows up.
RPG? Forget it
Car loaded with explosives? Nope
Sniper rifle? , no way not anymore
All of these possible solutions are completely useless against the raw fire power, quick reload time and overly stacked armour that the tank has in its arsenal.
This petition isn’t asking Rockstar to get rid of the tank merely nerf the tank or buff the weapons we have at our disposal so we have a fighting chance. Maybe slow down the fire rate of the tank so we can at least hit it a few times.
Either way the tank is far too superior in fire power and armour. The only option out there (and that’s if you had enough money a few months back) is to buy your own tank and go toe to toe, but this isn’t world of tanks now is it.
Anyway would be great to get some support on this, you never know we might just make enough noise so Rockstar can’t ignore us.
Cheers for your time.