Gunter Annex Playground

The Gunter Annex housing office recently sent out a notification stating they will be removing three of the playgrounds within the Gunter Annex housing area. With NO plans on replacing or upgrading the exsisting equipment Gunter Annex families and children are once again put aside for projects on Maxwell. Lets show the Maxwell-Gunter Annex Housing office our families matter too. Sign this petition to support new development and upgrade of all the playground equipment in Gunter housing. Why is Gunter so forgotten? We have no BX a shoppett that closes at 8 and might as well not even open on Sunday and one of the worst gyms in the military. At the very least give us proper playgrounds to enjoy our off time with family and friends. So Gunter Housing instead of tearing them down lets build them up so we can all have a brighter future.
With about 270 family's living on Gunter Hunt rakes in approximately $3.24 million from our little base alone for them to say " The removal of the playgrounds will allow us to better maintain the existing playgrounds at Gunter." is ridiculous. Gunter deserves new equipment help us show Hunt we want it by signing this petition.