Hackett and Brown: Keep it Clean
Whereas: The Democratic Party needs to make the defeat of Republicans their top priority Whereas: Both Paul Hackett and Sherrod Brown would make outstanding candidates top oppose Mike DeWine for Ohio\'s Senate seat in 2006 Whereas: The Democratic Party is prone to \"circular firing squad\" tactics Whereas: A messy primary not only could cripple the winner going into the general, but would show a lack of good faith on the part of the participants Whereas: 2006 also offers a tremendous number of other critical Democratic pickup opportunities Whereas: The resources of Democratic activists are limited The undersigned request that Paul Hackett and Sherrod Brown run a clean primary campaign free of attacks levelled at each other. Furthermore, the undersigned resolve only to donate tiem or money to either candidate pending the conclusion of a clean, attack-free primary. If either Mr. Brown or Mr. Hackett turn to negative attacks against the other, the undersigned pledge to withhold any financial support from the attacking candidate.