Halal Hopkins!!!
As-salamu Alaykum! Welcome!
We are Halal Brothers, LLC. A new small business operating in the Baltimore area that serves exceptional Halal food through state-of-the-art food carts cooked by passionate and knowledgeable chefs. Our company has Hopkins in its blood. We are proudly co-owned by a Hopkins employee and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health student as well as by the husbands of proud Hopkins nurses. We simply recognized the large need for our services in and around the hospital and schools by patients, employees, students and community members alike for healthy halal food offered at a good value. We take great pride in offering certified Halal chicken and lamb platters and dishes, vegetarian offerings through our delicious falafel meals, organic basmati rice, fresh local vegetables and kosher hot dogs. Due to the strict food cart permit requirements in this city, we are asking for your support in showing the food vendor council that there is a large need for our cart within the Hopkins vicinity.