Save Our Swifts!

Save Our Swifts. In recent months, Kevin and Mandy Swift, Managers of the Harewood Arms public house in Broadbottom, Cheshire have been alleged to have misappropriated funds, misused stock and failed to deliver acceptable standards of service by their Employing company, who have undergone several name changes, but have continually been Owned and Operated by Mike Radcliffe, currently operating under the title of BAC Properties Ltd. To this date, 28/02/2008, no evidence whatsoever has been provided by said Employing Company with respect to any of the alleged charges, despite numerous requests, yet repeated threats of Eviction and Criminal Prosecution have been levied against Kevin and Mandy. Since their arrival within the community the Swifts have transformed the Harewood Arms into an establishment of unrivalled quality within the community. The aim of this petition is to allow the local community of patrons of the Harewood Arms to voice their disapproval at the treatment of Kevin and Mandy by their employers and to affirm that the wishes of the local community are that Kevin and Mandy be given direct stewardship of the Harewood Arms at the earliest opportunity by the owner of the property, Enterprise Breweries.