Havana Syndrome Equality Act

Havana Syndrome Equality Act Petition
This is a petition to support the above noted, needed, and equitable legislation, designed to invoke fairness, in the Havana Syndrome Act of 2021. The goal is to help all Americans injured by neurological attacks, and not some, as defined in the Havana Act.
The purpose of this petition is to illustrate the need for inclusion of ALL Havana Syndrome injured, afflicted, and harmed Americans in the current Havana Act legislation. Americans afflicted and injured, by the Havana Syndrome weapons must be included in the Havana Syndrome Act, in addition, to the state department diplomats and CIA intelligence agents.
The proposed Havana Syndrome Equality Act will provide the same public safety protections, from the Havana Act, to All Americans afflicted by the Havana Syndrome weapons and not just selected sufferers. The purpose of the Havana Syndrome Equality Act is to include fairness, to all Americans injured by the Havana Syndrome weaponries.
We seek an extension of the Havana Syndrome Act of 2021, specifically authorizing the central intelligence agency, the department of state, and other agencies to provide payments to all American citizens who incur brain and bodily injuries from hostilities directly related to the Havana Syndrome weapons. The purpose of the projected Havana Syndrome Equality Act is to include fairness, to all Americans injured by the Havana Syndrome weapons.
Precisely, we seek the extension of this Bill to include Americans and their families, who have been injured by the Havana Syndrome weapons, to receive payments for brain and bodily injuries that were incurred (1) during a period of time in the United States and (2) in connection with war, insurgency, hostile acts, terrorist activity, or other agency-designated incidents.
We stand with the current Havana Act’s authority that applies to injuries incurred before, on, or after the date of the bill's enactment and the requirements that agencies must submit classified reports on the bill's implementation, including the number of payments made and the amount of each payment.
Since 2011, as documented in the USA Presidential Bioethics Commission, noted below, many Americans have reported experiencing unusual and severe cognitive and neurological impairments while living in the United States, the source of which is currently aligned to the Havana Syndrome weapons and such is under investigation. Symptoms are currently reported by many Americans and personnel stationed in Cuba and have since been collectively referred to as Havana Syndrome.
There is a need for equality in the inclusion of all Americans injured by the Havana Syndrome weapons, in the application and enforcement of the Havana Syndrome Act. The Havana Syndrome Equality Act, defined as invoked equality, can be achieved administratively and or through supplemental legislation. Equality and fairness in the current, already passed Havana Act, is greatly needed on behalf of the public safety of ALL Havana Syndrome injured parties and with respect to impartiality.
All Americans injured by the Havana Syndrome weapons, which are primarily directed energy weapons, which include concentrated electromagnetic energy, that is designed to incapacitate, damage, disable, or destroy humans, must be recompensed. Americans have been protesting about the non-consensual use of these Havana Syndrome military type experimental weapons for years. Please see the below Presidential Commission on Bioethics link where multitudes of American groups of people complained about the Havana Syndrome weapon injuries.
There are masses of Americans incapacitated, damaged, disabled, and some killed, by these mysterious, invisible, radiation-based, Havana Syndrome weapons. This petition is necessary to show that fairness is needed in the implementation of the Havana Syndrome Act so that ALL, not a few, injured parties will be compensated medically and otherwise, for these mysterious, yet fatal Havana Syndrome injuries.
All people who believe in equality, please sign this petition. Havana Syndrome weapon survivors' signatures and comments are particularly needed, to express to, we the people and our governance officials, the seriousness of the Havana Syndrome weapons and the injuries these directed energy weapons have caused and are causing. Please summarize Havana Syndrome radiation weapon injuries and atrocities in the comment box. Please include links to books, articles, and blogs, illustrating how Havana Syndrome injured and harmed Americans have suffered from the Havana Syndrome weapons that have effectuated induced disabling afflictions.
Please note, if you donate on this petition website, the funds go to the I-Petition company only. If you want to donate directly to the Havana Syndrome Equality Act cause, please go to DONATE NOW and or contact hvsequality777@gmail.com
Finally, we seek equal protection of the law in the inclusion and enforcement of the Havana Syndrome Act, by any lawful means necessary, including the filing of the proposed Havana Syndrome Equality Act accordingly. Thank you for your time.
This Petition is created in Honor of all Treasured Individuals, known as Targeted Individuals.
S.1828 - HAVANA Act of 2021, Public Law No: 117-46:
Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks Act of 2021 or the HAVANA Act of 2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/1828
Biden Signs Legislation to Compensate Victims of Mysterious ‘Havana Syndrome’ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/08/us/politics/havana-syndrome-biden-law.html
The Safety of the People Is the Supreme Maxim of Law, pages 9 and 10 at: https://giftoftruth.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/maxims-of-common-law-jurisdictionary.pdf
2011 Presidential Bioethics Commission, Americans Injured by the Havana Syndrome Weapons File Complaints with the USA Presidential Bioethics Commission at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTnK_7LyT3o
Directed Energy Weapons: https://sgp.fas.org/crs/natsec/IF11882.pdf and/or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed-energy_weap
Diplomats’ Mystery Illness and Pulsed Radio-frequency/Microwave Radiation: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58fa27103e00bed09c8eac2c/t/5b7f95930e2e7262c9be0455/1535088022263/Cuba+2018-08-23c+-NEJM.pdf
U.S. investigators increasingly confident directed-energy attacks behind Havana Syndrome: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/08/us-investigators-increasingly-confident-directed-energy-attacks-behind-havana-syndrome-515693
Researcher links diplomats' mystery illness to radio frequency/microwave radiation: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/762915
Havana Syndrome' likely caused by pulsed microwave energy, government study finds: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/all/havana-syndrome-likely-caused-microwave-energy-government-study-finds-n1250094
Report: Microwave weapons may be behind mysterious illness afflicting US officials abroad: https://www.vox.com/2020/12/6/22156988/havana-syndrome-micowave-weapons-report
Meet the Targeted Individual Community https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62s3FinAoC0
Havana Syndrome Mysteries: Part 1, https://youtu.be/JLiLMjwZb78 and part 2, https://youtu.be/OQg0lukMKf8
18 U.S. Code § 2332a - Use of weapons of mass destruction: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2332a