Sarah Yake 0

Have Hasbro Create the Thundercracker Chronicles!

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Hey Transformers fans!

Do you love Thundercracker and his dog Buster?

Do you believe that Thundercracker has a lot of Dramatic/Comedic potential as a screenwriter who escaped the Decepticons?

Then let's ask Hasbro to create the Thundercracker Chronicles! (Name is a work in progress.)

The premise of the bingeable show would center around Thundercracker (of course) and his adventures in screenwriting as a former Decepticon. Accompanied by his adorable, trusty sidekick (and best friend) Buster from the comics, the two have to evade the Decepticons' wrath as he interviews both humans and Cybertronians about his works. And no matter where he goes, the war and his past come back to haunt him in surprising ways.

If this sounds like a dream, let's show Hasbro what you think!

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