Create an account system for Haxball
Haxball is an awesome game. While apparently simplistic, there can be a lot of strategy involved. This has lead to the rise of numerous Haxball leagues, some with hundreds of players, and many players have become notable in their own right. Unfortunately, as with any online game, there are numerous so-called "trolls", who utilize the game with the sole purpose of annoying other people. One common method by which they do so is by impersonating well-known players, in an attempt to discredit them. Sadly, impersonation is far too easy to do, and far too difficult to detect - nicknames and avatars are easily changed, and there are widely available tools to change one's flag. The solution to this problem is fortunately quite simple: allow users to create accounts. Authenticated users will then show up with a uniquely colored username, and their identity will be confirmed. We, the undersigned players of Haxball, humbly request that Basro create an account system, so that we can continue to enjoy the game that we love.