HBR: Fulfilling the Attainable Housing Need 2020
We need YOUR signature today! Sheridan County needs more attainable housing for the work-force and Excalibur wants to build it. Hidden Bridge Ranch (Mydland Road) is an ideal location for this. Below is a list of facts about HBR. Your signature will help get this project off the ground! This project is happening summer 2020, right now!
Hidden Bridge Ranch FACTS:
1. Attainable Housing for the Working-Class in Sheridan County
2. HBR is located on Mydland Road (across from Mydland Market)
3. HBR has Lots on the golf course with beautiful mountain views
4. HBR conforms to the 2008 Cloud Peak Master Plan
5. HBR has the exact same covenants as Cloud Peak
6. HBR conforms to Cloud Peak Architectural Control Requirements
7. HBR conforms to City of Sheridan Open Space requirements
8. HBR exceeds Cloud Peak Master Plan’s 4,000 sf min. Lot size
9. HBR meets Cloud Peak Master Plan’s definition of Affordable Housing
10. HBR has City Standard 36’ wide streets with sidewalks
11. HBR Lots are in compliance with City front, side & rear setbacks
12. Rental storage units have been eliminated
13. HBR is a natural transition from commercial/apartments and Cloud Peak
14. HBR & Cloud Peak 17th. Filing are a 1/4 mile apart
15. Proposed water system will improve water system capacity and fire hydrant flows
16. HBR is gifting the City an easement to provide Sewer to Black Tooth Park
17. Don Roberts, the original Cloud Peak Developer, supports HBR’s development