Healing Village for Sexually Exploited Women
Dear Readers/supporters/funders:
Elder Mae Louise Campbell's plan for the Healing Village Project, will be located on 160 acres, north of Winnipeg. Mae Louise's gentle spirit, and non-judgemental approach to openly share the teachings will support sexually exploited women in their healing journey through a holistic approach of living off the land, and following Indigenous teachings - which are shared values to women of all nations.
The Healing Village Project would meet so many critical gaps in services for the sexually exploited adult population. This could prevent another woman from going missing or being murdered.
The women flourish in the outdoors - reconnecting them to culture, themselves, and spirit. Taking them out of the city and away from their triggers of the city streets, would help to restore balance and harmony to them.
The long term vision of this village is developing sustainable micro industries that reintroduce the women to traditional knowledge while providing pathways to employment.
The development of the conference centre that would provide wellness workshops and retreats, cultural programs and camps for the general public and training programs for service providers, would be an excellent cultural resource for the entire province.
It is so important that we receive the funding for this long term Healing Village Project. We don't need any more band-aid solutions, short term funding, pilot projects or more research. We need long term sustainability - long term solutions - a long term healing village. So many women need this for their healing of sexual exploitation, trauma, addictions, and transition out of the sex trade.
The government hasn't come through with funding - sexually exploited women are treated like a disposable commodity. They have ignored the numerous proposals from agencies, and experiential women themselves, who identified critical service gaps and with recommendations for change.
Please believe we can change - because we can - it just takes a village to heal us!
Please support funding the Healing Village Project of Elder Mae Louise Campbell.
Signed - a survivor of sexual exploitation and human trafficking