Health Care Coverage for Learning Disability Assessments and Intervention
More and more parents are being forced to seek independent evaluations in order for their children to get the proper services offered to them in the public school system. These independent evaluations can include testing from health care professionals, independently owned learning centers as well as other certified educational specialists. At the moment, these services are not being covered under the current health care system and parents are being forced to pay out of pocket, in some cases, several thousand dollars for just one assessment. Our mission is to ban together with parents from all over the country to push our major health care providers to categorize ALL learning disabilities as medical rather than educational, in an effort to get ALL services covered. We believe it will be very hard to ignore several hundred thousand parents who could potentially become new clients of whichever major provider chooses to do something about this growing problem. Please show your support and if you or anyone you know suffers from a learning disability such as Dyslexia or ADD/ADHD intervention, please sign and share!