Help make hearing aid insertion EASIER for veterans, people with physical limitations, seniors, and people with challenging ear canals.
Jeffrey Szmanda 0

Help make hearing aid insertion EASIER for veterans, people with physical limitations, seniors, and people with challenging ear canals.

632 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jeffrey Szmanda 0 Comments
632 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Many of our veterans, people with physical limitations, seniors, and people with challenging ear canals cannot get their hearing aids sufficiently deep into their ear canals.

They struggle with insertion of their expensive hearing aids. They experience frustration with the insertion process, inadequate amplification, and sound processing. So, they still can’t hear and understand their family, friends and other people. They even fear losing their hearing aids.

But now, internationally-patented Gruv Button Technologycan make hearing aid insertion so much EASIER for these good people – and for EVERYONE.

Respectfully, I urge our Veterans Administration to stipulate Gruv Button Technology™ in all hearing aid purchase orders.

Please sign and share this petition! One more thing; we do not want any money.

Thanks so much!

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