Keep Watertown Sunday Softball League Local
TO: The Honorable Mayor Graham and The Watertown City Council:
I, Tonino J. Alteri, Commissioner of the WSSL, on behalf of the Watertown Sunday Softball League are asking the people of Watertown for support. The WSSL is currently celebrating our 44th year of existence in the city of Watertown. We are members of the Amateur Softball Association of America, we are run by an elected board of officials, we supply our own equipment, umpires, as well as insurance for the field owner. We have always paid a flat fee agreement to the city for usage of their fields. We bring around 300-400 players, family, and friends together every Sunday throughout the city, which brings business to the local stores and vendors. Our league consists of men ages 18-70 years of age, including local business owners, city employees, and hard-working TAX PAYERS. In 2007 the league fee paid to the Watertown Recreation Department was $970 total for usage of the fields. Jumping forward to 2014 we are now facing fees for use of the same fields (some of which were DONATED to the city for the purpose of recreation for Watertown residents) in upwards of $5,000, which is almost as much as the league’s entire operating cost. The city Recreation department wants to charge us a per game FEE, but not give us a per game SERVICE. We should have our fields chalked, lined, and raked after every game (like they do for girls softball), and restroom facilities for our children, families,and spectators. The distance of the base paths and pitcher mound are both under standards, which is a huge safety concern to our players. Will the increase pay for these changes that we've continued to ignore? The increase in fees is now forcing the WSSL to look elsewhere to hold our league games. Our goal is to stay in Watertown as we have for the last 44 years!!!
By signing this petition you disagree with the Watertown City Council and Recreation Departments decision to increase fees to $30/per game for the WSSL. Your signature will help keep softball in Watertown! Thank you so much for your support! FYI - On March 3, 2014 the Watertown City Council & Recreation Department agreed to a flat fee agreement for Watertown Pop Warner....WHY NOT US???