Help make them accountable Lori Kepley

My name is Lori Kepley, my friends who know me know that my throat was damaged due to a doctors mistake and it has caused me years of close calls to breathe, i couldn't talk i had to whisper to speak for those 2 years and now i have the voice of a man.
Pain Management gave me sample packs of Celebrex for inflammation after they put a neurostimulor Implant in my hip for nerve damage due to an electrocution years ago, i have endured years of painful, dialations of my throat, lasering, throat swelling, tongue swelling, needles, hospital stays enormous bills in the 100's of thousands of dollars, I quit breathing after taking the medicine fortunately i had a friend with me at the appointment, my throat was so closed the ENT doctor at the hospital had to try 2 times to get a tube in my throat, finally a baby tube made it in there, almost 7 weeks on feeding tubes before i went home.
The day i got out i fell on my hip from being in there so long, my left leg now has a prosthetic brace,and many nerve blocks and steroid shots to dull the pain, i fall very easily just to try to keep walking and avoid a wheel chair, the insurance company for the doctor who gave me this medicine that caused all my loss of zest of life, says my health is so bad they couldn't pin point which parts they caused...well i just told you! " all it would have taken was 10 seconds to check my allergy list, and my life would have been different!" I lost my home of 19 years, i am renting now i am almost 51 and can't even get a date, stand for an hour or crank a weed eater? I couldn't have made it without my friends, poker run, air conditioners, help to doctors appointments etc...please sign if you understand and put a little note if you have been there for me..i'm sending this right to the lawyer and the insurance company..Shame on them Thank you hugs...Lori