Help save our 108 year old barn by getting it Landmark Status

Our 108 year old barn is about to be bought by realtors, and will most likely be torn down if I can't reach my goal on time. Landmark status would insure that the barn could not be sold as commercial property and torn down. Please support us in trying to get landmark status and save our barn for the animals and the community.I mentor the community children, Senior Citizens have a place to come and feel useful and Cancer patients like to spend time here after their kimo treatments. Everyone is welcome here. We are not a corporate entity, we are here for the community. If we are able to get landmark status we would be able to make sure the barn is preserved, and have enough time to use our rights of refusal inorder to keep the barn for the community. Let Landmarks Preservation Commission Chairman The Honorable Robert B Tierney know that you believe in preserving this piece of history and important part of the community. Tell him to give Landmark status to The Western Riding Club Located at 169-38 Pidgeon Road Queens NY