Help Søren and Eddy Lopez to get home.
Mads Larsen 0

Help Søren and Eddy Lopez to get home.

24 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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24 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We need signatures to help 2 danish hostages taken by somalian pirates.. i'm a Dane like the two hostages who is being held hostages by Somali Pirates. i'v been following this story since they got captured outside the somali coast back in 2011. The two Danes Eddy Lopez og Søren Lyngbjørn, was working for the company named Shipcraft A/S, when they got captured by the pirates. The company and the Danish goverment has failed to pay the pirates so that the hostages could be set free. They have been held hostages for more than 700 days now. This is my try as a fellow Dane to meet the wishes of the family and friends of the two Danes. THE MORE SIGNATURES THE BETTER WHAT IF THIS WAS YOU???? 700 days without seeing family, friends 700 days without know if you're going to live thru this 700 days where Denmark has not managed to get their people home 700 days where Ship Crafts owners spend millions of dollars, we have not even dare think of to use, and it is not the 6 employees sailors in Somalia they spend money to get home.

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