Help Stop Fast Fashion Sweatshops!
I am a 15 year old girl and as of today I want to take a stand against sweatshops overseas. I did my research and I've made the conclusion that I want to stop the horrific slavery that sweatshops bring.
What is a sweatshop?
A sweatshop is factory that violates two or more labor laws. They often consist of horrific working conditions, poor pay, and unreasonable working hours.
In many third world countries sweatshops are an issue for a big majority of the population. 168 million children are forced to work in sweatshops.
For my petition to cross the first threshold to reach the government it must have 150 signatures. In order for my petition to reach the second threshold it must consist of 100,000 signatures for a response from the government.
Please help me make the world a better place by taking a stand against sweatshops.