Help us to get The Cabin in the Woods into Czech Republic cinemas
Kateřina N 0

Help us to get The Cabin in the Woods into Czech Republic cinemas

69 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kateřina N 0 Comments
69 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The Cabin in the Woods had a cinema premiere in many different countries aroud the world, sadly Czech Republic is not one of them. This movie has a Czech distributor, but it looks like it will be released only on DVDs. We are big fans of Joss Whedon and his work and we want to watch this film on a big screen. Please sign this and help us to support Joss and his work.

The Cabin in the Woods mělo premiéru v kinech v mnoha zemích po celém světě, ale Česká republika mezi ně bohužel nepatří. Film už má českého distributora, ale vypadá to, že půjde jen na DVD. Jsme velké fanynky Josse Whedona a rády bychom tenhle film viděly v kině. Prosíme podepište tuto petici a pomozte nám podpořit Josse a jeho tvorbu.


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