Help Save Three Healthy, Innocent Horses from Unnecessary Death
Our neighbors are planning to euthanize 3 elderly horses with no health problems very soon. They will be taken out to the field and shot in the head, one after the other.
For a time, we assisted in the care of the animals, though they are not our legal property. We have since reconsolidated back to our original location, and the owners had agreed to take over full care.
No attempts have been made to find homes. The caretakers (who will remain nameless) of the property have the funds to care for them, but the horses' existence has become a nuisance.
Please invite all friends. The actions of these people are unnecessary and despicable. Please help me to put an end to it and sign below.
We are planning to speak to the caretakers and the owners in the morning to see if the animals could be removed from the facility and placed in adoptive homes. Hopefully, the petition will not be needed, but public knowledge and support is always a good start.