Herpetofauna license restrictions in WA
This is to petition the Minister of environment and heritage for change to restrictive and discriminatory policies within the herpetofauna licensing system. Namely.
- The restrictive and discriminatory policy of excluding new holders of the herpeofauna takers license from collecting the species from the last two groups of species added
There is no justification for these restrictions other than to hinder the representation of the new species into the hobby and therefore prolong the process of establishing sustainable captive populations. The newly issued licenses are not discounted and therefore present an unreasonable advantage to those who have held the licenses long term and an extreme disadvantage both financially and in terms of equal treatment within the herpetofauna community. It leaves one to question the legality of such conditions that are restrictive on free and open trade and clearly work to the advantage of one group over the other.
- The restriction on keepers preventing them from trading multiple clutches of the same species that have been bred privately.
Whilst the department sought to have breeders apply for a farmers license it hasn't been taken up significantly within the hobby and any attempt to enforce it more strongly and not remove restrictions on private breeders places unnecessary restriction on the hobby and again serves to hinder the establishment of captive populations.
- The failure by the department to stay up to date with the fluid nature of taxanomy
With advancements in science and increased interest in herpetology and specifically taxonomy new species are constantly being described or placed in synonymy with other species creating confusion among keepers and takers alike and potentially excluding keepers from obtaining species currently on the list or even being in possession of animals that are no longer considered to be what they were purchased as. We should be able to expect the ministers advisors within the department to be up to date with taxonomy and make adjustments as necessary and/or seek advice and consultation from within the herpatological community both amateur and professional.