Public inquiry into RCMP involvement disappearance

Urgent Appeal and Breaking News: RCMP want to question Kevin Annett about his website and writings April 18, 2009 Vancouver, Canada: On April 14, Cpl. Sabrina Mill of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's "E" Division Major Crime Section wrote to Rev. Kevin Annett and asked to meet with him regarding evidence Kevin has compiled and published concerning the disappearance of women in Vancouver's downtown eastside and the alleged involvement of RCMP officers in their abduction. Cpl. Mill also expressed concern about unnamed "postings on your internet site or on sites associated to (sic) you." In his written response dated April 14, Rev. Annett invited Cpl. Mill to make their discussion public by taking part in an open forum on the issue of police and RCMP complicity in the disappearance and death of aboriginal people, including in the Indian residential school system. Kevin asked Cpl. Mill, in particular, to respond to the issue of the RCMP's "apparent refusal to investigate suspected crime sites related to the mass burials of children who died in Indian residential schools." Cpl. Mill has not replied to Kevin's email and invitation. Since the spring of 2001, Kevin has regularly addressed the evidence of police complicity in crimes against native people over the public airwaves on his radio program Hidden from History on Vancouver's Co-op Radio. In 2006, Kevin published six statements from eyewitnesses who claim personal knowledge of police, church and government involvement in Vancouver-based pedophile rings, "snuff" films and child pornography. Kevin sent copies of these statements to the police and government and received no response for over three years, until Cpl. Mill's email. The evidence published by Kevin Annett indicates that mass grave sites for the disposal of murdered women exist all over Vancouver, including at the Musqueam Indian reserve near the University of B.C. Forensically-examined bone remains exhumed at this reserve in 2004 indicate the presence of young females mixed with pig remains: a fact shared with the Vancouver police and RCMP but never acted on. Last February, when identified crime sites containing the remains of children who died at the former Alberni Indian Residential School began to be unearthed and destroyed, the RCMP refused to stop the destruction or even conduct an investigation into the sites. Kevin Annett has sent this evidence to international human rights agencies, INTERPOL and European politicians, and has called for an inquiry into the deeper truth of missing aboriginal women in B.C. Please contact Cpl. Sabrina Mill at the numbers below and urge her to take part in the public forum and debate offered by Kevin Annett, and to answer the charges that the RCMP is complicit in the death of aboriginal women and children. Cpl. Sabrina Mill "E" Division Major Crime Section 12992 - 76th Avenue Surrey, B.C. Canada V3W 2V6 email:Â sabrina.mill@rcmp-grc.gc.ca Office: 604-598-5605 Fax: 604-598-4300 We also urge people to monitor this situation in case Rev. Annett is detained or placed in custody by the RCMP. Issued 18 April, 2009 by The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (Vancouver)