Hide Solar panels in VT
Vermont is a beautiful state with rolling hills, grazing pastures, and a great natural beauty. Over the last five years, the solar panel craze has begun to turn Vermont's natural beauty into a technology eyesore.
Vermont relies heavily on tourism, and by ruining the natural landscape with these "farms", this could drive away revenue by deterring visitors who would rather visit other places that don't have these items installed.
Additionally, now, while driving down Route 7, for example, instead of your eyes enjoying the beautiful scenery, you are visited with many examples of these large farms which are simply not compatible with the rest of the landscape.
This affects not only tourists, but the people that live here. No one wants to see these panels unless they are inconspicuous on a house or structure, where they blend in naturally. Anything outside of this scope should be hidden from any public view.
Vermont has laws to keep advertising billboards and road display signs (think fast food or fuel) out of view to preserve the natural beauty, so why not solar panels?
This petition will be used to contact the VT government on this issue, prompting them to create legislature to minimize the impact of solar panel installations, and, to hopefully hide existing panel farms. Additionally, this petition will be used to attempt to gain interest from the news stations on the discussion. Please show your public support by your signature - it matters!
Don't let Vermont's beauty be destroyed any longer; let's fight to keep Vermont green while going "green"!