High Density Glow in Collingwood

Urgent Call for Collingwood Town Council to REJECT High Density Residential Exemption Application for Glow Condominiums
Developer seeking to create highest ever density request for two 6-storey condo towers adjacent to environmentally sensitive Wetland area off of Highway 26
Public Consultation taking place on Monday June 19/23 so we need to hear from you NOW!
As concerned residents of Collingwood, we respectfully request that Collingwood Town Council reject the current application of Mississauga based developer VMK Capital Inc. (the “Developer”) regarding the proposed high density development application for Glow Condominiums (the “Glow Application”).
We submit that the Glow Application in its current form does not warrant any further time or limited resources be spent by Town Council or Staff on the Glow Application. The unprecedented density variances being sought by the Developer to the Collingwood Official Plan and Zoning By-law would create extreme and unsafe density levels never previously seen in Collingwood.
Some background and why the Glow Application is of concern to us –and should be of concern to Town Council
The Glow Application seeks to have Town Council approve an Official Plan amendment and zoning change to redesignate the subject lands at 11476 Hwy 26 (the “Property”) from its current planned MediumDensity andzoning as Resort Commercial (C3) to the developer’s proposed High Density Residential Exception (Residential Fourth Density – R4 Site Specific).
What does all this mean?
Currently as Medium Density, the Property is zoned to permit 20-55 dwelling units per hectare.
High Density zoning permits 50-120 dwelling units per hectare. We understand, in the west end of Collingwood (Balsam St and west), the highest current density is 75 units per hectare.
The developer is seeking a level of density for the Glow Application of 223 units per hectare (194 residential units to be squeezed into 0.871 hectares). At 223 units per hectare, this is 305% higher than what is currently permitted (168/55). Even as compared to the highest current density of 75 units per hectare, the Glow Application is 197% higher (148/75) than any existing residential density in the west end of Collingwood.
We will call this the Beacon Glow “Higher than High Density” level request, or to put it simply an Unacceptable Density Level that cannot be justified by Town Council under the Collingwood Official Plan.
Why does this matter?
The stated purpose of the Collingwood Official Plan is to establish objectives for land use, transportation, servicing and community improvement for the growth of Collingwood, within a context of relevant social, economic and environmental constraints, in order to obtain the most desirable living environment for present and future residents, and those citizens from the surrounding area who are utilizing the regional facilities within Collingwood.
Put another way, the Official Plan is there to protect Collingwood – both environmentally to take care of our land, and to protect its current and future residents who are fortunate enough to be part of this beautiful and thriving community.
If despite the protections of the Collingwood Official Plan as approved by Council, Town council was to somehow override the Official Plan and accept what is being proposed by the Developer, the consequences would be devastating and irreversible to the environment.
This congested two 6-storey condo towers of 194 units adjacent to the environmentally sensitive Wetland area off of Hwy 26 would detrimentally change the environment in the west end of Collingwood forever. Not only for those who live there but for the thousands who travel the area.
The proposed entrance/exit will back up Hwy 26 causing major traffic issues and potential accidents. Their issues cannot override community health and safety.
They do not meet the current parking requirements which is 243 spaces. Where are the cars going to park? No parking on Hwy 26! Their issues cannot override community health and safety.
There is exactly zero parkland. The owner is proposing cash in lieu of parkland that is a required part of all developments. Members of Council leading up to the last election vowed to not allow this practice to continue. So clearly, the Town should not allow this to happen again. When will the Town stop this practice? Their issues cannot override community health and safety.
This property is home to numerous species of wildlife and flora/fauna. This development will drive the wildlife out of the area and out onto the highway or adjacent residential property. We know this will happen as a result of our experience with the clear cutting across the highway for the Residences of Silver Creek development. Let's make sure this mistake does not happen again!
The environment cannot take a back seat to developer’s interest. This is not just an issue for the immediate area - this is an issue of concern for ALL OF COLLINGWOOD.
Please help us send this message loudly and clearly to the Town of Collingwood council members and the Developer by signing this petition.
Give meaning to the Collingwood Official Plan and the protection of the environment of Collingwood and the greater Simcoe County.
The Glow Application cannot be approved as currently proposed.
Please sign the petition, comment below and circulate widely. There is no need to donate.