Hijab Rights at George Bush High School
Abdullah Zeeshan 0

Hijab Rights at George Bush High School

Abdullah Zeeshan 0 Comments
283 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, as residents of the United States demand the ability to practice our faith openly at George Bush High School, without unnecessary restrictions put unto us. As Muslims, we should not have to identify ourselves with a note, or show you that wearing Hijab is part of our faith. If maintaining a dress code policy requires you to put such restrictions on people of one religion, we suggest you remove said dress code policy from your rules and shift focus to the things that matter. If the school board agrees that Hijab is the most pressing issue, we agree to send you a list of more pressing grievances that the school board should work on. We also agree that the school shouldn't further add dress code regulations until they can regulate the measures already in place. By signing this petition we agree to all of the above statements and demand change, as well as justice.

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