I object to the showing of 'House of Numbers' as truth at University of Brighton
On the 12th of December Dr Karl Cox will be screening a movie called 'The House of Numbers' which is a film that says that HIV and AIDs are myths and that it's a good idea for those who have HIV not to take medicine. As LGBT+ Equality Officer, as a student and as someone with some sense, I object to this. After going to see Dr Cox, I told him my first concern was that students with HIV may feel like they don't need to take medicine any more. He replied "Good". He told me that he believed that HIV/AIDs was in fact a myth. I am arranging a discussion to take place after the screening of the movie with Terrence Higgins Trust in Brighton and LGBrighTon society as well as anyone else who would like to come and be part of this discussion. Although I feel like this should not be happening in university and definitely not be arranged by a a senior lecturer, this is happening, so all we can do is de-bunk it after. The screening is at 14.30 at The Watts building on Mousecoombe campus in room 314 12/12/12 Here is the wiki page about the movie. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Numbers_(2009_film) Here is an article related to the movie http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog/2012/feb/21/death-denial-hiv-aids Here is another article http://www.badscience.net/2009/09/house-of-numbers/ and here is the link to the movie itself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p-ttLfkZHQ If you want some more information on HIV and AIDs please have a look at http://www.tht.org.uk/