Stop bill H.R. 669
This petition was started to stop Bill H.R. 669 from being passed or even going any farther than it already has. this bill will destroy the reptile industry for everyone who enjoys it. There is no middle ground with this bill. Its cut and dry on what they want to do. If passed it will make all nonnative wildlife illegal to own, breed, take across state lines to trade shows or even grandfather in all nonnative animals already here to resupply the industry. I understand that the industry and hobby must take responsibility for the safe and secure ownership of the animals. I am all for owner responsibility and having some limitations set on who, how, and even what species that anyone can purchase. But, they should not have the right or even be allowed to take away our right as responsible owners to have these reptiles and animals. If you agree with this please sign this petition. There has not been any thought put into this bill or any discussions about what we want or what we would be willing to compromise on. I will send this to as many Politicians as I can, once I find out the date of the next meeting on this bill.