Bill # H.R. 926
Frank Salamone 0

Bill # H.R. 926

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109TH CONGRESS H. R. 926 1ST SESSION To amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize Department of Veterans Affairs police officers to execute on Department property arrest warrants of a State or local government within the jurisdiction of which such Department property is located. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FEBRUARY 17, 2005 Mr. GERLACH (for himself and Mr. SMITH of New Jersey) introduced the fol- lowing bill; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans\' Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee con- cerned A BILL To amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize Depart- ment of Veterans Affairs police officers to execute on Department property arrest warrants of a State or local government within the jurisdiction of which such Depart- ment property is located. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 4 This Act may be cited as the ``VA Police Powers 5 Act\'\'. 2 1 SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- 2 FAIRS POLICE OFFICERS TO EXECUTE AR- 3 REST WARRANTS OF STATE AND LOCAL GOV- 4 ERNMENTS. 5 Section 902(a) of title 38, United States Code, is 6 amended by adding at the end the following new para- 7 graph: 8 ``(4)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B) and the regula- 9 tions prescribed under subsection (b), a Department police 10 officer may execute on Department property any arrest 11 warrant issued by a court or officer of competent jurisdic- 12 tion of a State or local government within the jurisdiction 13 of which such Department property is located. 14 ``(B) An arrest warrant described in subparagraph 15 (A) may be enforced under this paragraph only as author- 16 ized by an express grant of authority under applicable 17 State or local law.\'\'.


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