I Support Proxima Academy
Proxima Academy Charter School is a community based charter school for the students and families of the North Shore of Staten Island where we are committed to creating a culture of high expectations through a trauma-informed lens.
The North Shore is home to the fastest growing immigrant population in New York City. We know that immigrants come to our country in search of opportunity, but on the North Shore opportunities are limited. There are few school options and most are overcrowded. Transportation limitations make it difficult for families to take their children to other schools. Also, there are only 4 charter schools on Staten Island, and they typically specialize for specific student populations. Proxima Academy is committed to being a high-quality, free, public school option for all families in the North Shore.
Our Mission:Through rigorous academics, individualized supports, and leadership development, Proxima Academy Charter School educates all students in kindergarten through eighth grade to develop their personal voice, excel in high school and college, and pursue all of life's opportunities with confidence.
I am signing this petition to affirm that I have read Proxima Academy's mission, I believe in this mission, and I would like to see Proxima Academy open as a free, public charter school in the fall of 2020.
Thank you for your support.