Green Set Petition
The Film and Television industry is a massively influential force in the lives of millions of people. So why is it so behind the times when it comes to sustainability? The amount of waste generated and energy consumed over the course of a film production can be staggering - but it doesn’t have to be.
Sustainable filmmaking is the inevitable future of the entertainment industry, and all industries for that matter. Some pioneering companies and individuals are already out on the front lines, bringing green practices to sets in New York City and beyond, but adoption of sustainable practices is slow.
Please consider taking a moment to sign the Green Set Petition to encourage the development and support of green production practices across all media platforms. With your support, this trend can help become an industry-wide standard.
The entertainment industry leads the way in design, innovation, and imagination. Sustainability must be next. Please join us.
PLEASE NOTE: This petition does not endorse any union, government or corporate entity. This is simply a way of gathering support for anyone - cast, crew, or non-industry affiliation - to express their concern for the environmental impact of entertainment production.