ICC should investigate and set up a tribunal for war crimes commited during the Nigerian civil war

After 34 years of Biafra war, those responsible for outrageous crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide are still walking free. No body has been called to account for their roles in the 3 year civil war neither has anybody been compensated for the abuses suffered. It has becomeimportant now to investigate what happened during the civil war as Nigerian is drifting to the same path that led to the war 37 years ago.
If International Criminal Court wants to be seen as unbiased and fair, it must take an action in this regard by setting up a special tribunal as seen in Rwanda, Sierra Lone, Yugoslavia, Lebanon and even Cambodia. the case of Cambodia is particularly relevant as the crimes were committed between 1975 - 1976.
I am writing a formal petition to the chief prosecutor of ICC, Mrs Bensouda but need the support of this online petition as that will reflect the feelings and thoughts of most Nigerians especially of Eastern origin. I urge all well meaning Nigerian to sign this petition. My aim is to get as much as 2 million signatures each representing the innocent people murdered in cold blood during the war.
Lets get this started!
Chimezie Azuwike