Stop Amnesty for Illigal Immigrants

So... everyone is allways signing these stupid petitions on here that have nothin to do with nothin, and i thought that maybe we could do a petition that might actually do some good around here. All you have to do is sign this petition that would vote AGAINST the mass amnesty for illigal imigrants that is currently on debate at the White House. Not just for the Mexicans who seem to think that they are the only ones targeted in all this mess, but also for the illigal Asians, Canadians, Africans, Russians, and all the other nationalities that are here ILLIGALLY. please do not take this the wrong way. THIS IS NOT INNTENDED TO BE A RACIST OR HATEFUL PETITION! this is only to serve for those who are tired of having our jobs and social security being so quickly taken away from us. Not only this but also an increase in taxes, medical payments, insurance costs, a lower chance of job security, lower wages, and so much more that will be (and currently is) caused by illigal immigration. OUR FUTURES AND THAT OF OUR CHILDREN IS AT STAKE HERE!!!