Impeach Michelle lujan Grisham

Our governor is completing her political agenda by keeping our state closed and crashing our economy. She has made small business close for good. Families that have invested everything into their businesses now have nothing due to this closure. She is unconstitutionally gone against our first amendment by making masks mandatory and closing businesses and churches. It is our constitutional right to have the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to press. We are allowed to say and do what we want due to the first amendment. She has made everything about this virus including Memorial Day which is for those lives who were lost fighting for our freedom. If you are American then that should matter to you if you know a veteran or not. She is continually prolonging this closure and continually making the economy crash. She does this for her own political agenda and DOES NOT care about the citizens of New Mexico. That is why we need to get her out of office and find someone who cares about the community and the states citizens and not about money or politics.