![Impeach William Pelham Barr for Obstruction of Justice as Attorney General of the United States](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/impeach-william-barr-for-obstruction-of-justice/59ea0ae52e57c9faa3237e776d132e49.jpg)
Impeach William Pelham Barr for Obstruction of Justice as Attorney General of the United States
Petition for impeachment proceedings to remove William Pelham Barr for obstruction of justice
Honorable Jerrold Nadler:
Each lawful United States resident below identified respectfully petitions you, as House Judiciary Committee chairman, to commence impeachment proceedings to remove William Pelham Barr, as Attorney General of the United States, for obstruction of justice by aiding and by abetting gross presidential deceptions through indisputably false assertions of “complete and total exoneration” by the Mueller report – despite it stating that it “does not exonerate him” – and for “other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” from General Barr's own lies to the United States Congress, and from his numerous impediments to delay, and to deny, crucial information urgently needed at present by Congress, inter alia.
Petitioners respect the deliberative approach being taken by the Judiciary Committee, under your leadership, as to massive wrongdoing meticulously documented by that 448-page “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election” that includes, but that is not limited to, your several requests, with five other committee chairs, for General Barr to “produce to Congress the full report of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III and its underlying evidence,” in furtherance of a bipartisan entreaty made previously through a formal House resolution approved, overwhelmingly, through a 420-to-zero vote thereon (with four other members voting Present).
General Barr’s hugely egregious misconduct – in repeatedly obstructing justice to shield a sitting president from constitutional-and-legal consequences of his own multiple obstructions of justice, together with his likely further crimes, as thoroughly explicated by Special Counsel Mueller – is, therefore, blatant, and is, indeed, res ipsa loquitur, as demonstrated, detailed and documented, therein, across 448 pages: chapter by chapter, verse by verse and footnote by footnote.
You correctly noted, on April 19th, “because Barr misled the country, we have to hear from Barr,” but the congressional oath of office to “support and defend the Constitution” necessitates rather more, not simply because of General Barr's last-minute notice on May 1st of his defiant refusal to appear for his previously scheduled testimony to the Judiciary Committee on the next day, but, far more fundamentally, because his obvious misfeasance in public office, and his patent malfeasance by violating pivotal federal laws, yield a new pernicious treachery not before seen, during the 242-year history of the United States of America, through his repeated exploitation of a villainous “Big Lie” methodology thereby corrupting essential public discourse, and thus undermining quintessential citizen dialogue, and because he has done so both willfully, and also wantonly, in a fashion reviled here, for nine decades, since that purely evil technique was first dreamt up by a demented German Führer and later deployed through his “große Lüge” tactics (as thereafter refined by Joseph Goebbels, while acting in a role similar to that being performed by General Barr now, as the confirmed U.S. Attorney General, to deceive American citizens, and other lawful residents, in order to advance intentional wrongdoing by despoiling the United States).
Your below-identified petitioners recognize that no cabinet officer has been impeached since 1876 – whereafter the Senate put William W. Belknap on trial even after he was thus forced to resign as Secretary of War – but General Barr has been, and is, sabotaging America, and thus our highest values, with his attacks, ON TRUTH ITSELF, as “Big Lie” after “Big Lie” is being propagandized not just from the Oval Office, nor merely from White House press secretaries, but from the U.S. Department of Justice through the most corrupt-and-corruptive Attorney General, ever, who has thus debased that critical position far more than any of his several least worthy predecessors (including those indicted, convicted and imprisoned for their much-less-destructive crimes).
Such mendacious obstructions of justice, devised in bad faith, employed with diabolical cynicism and implemented with fully obvious intent to defraud every American – except for General Barr and for his co-conspirators – cannot be allowed to poison our nation, further, without a stain on each officeholder, who is in a position to stop “high Crimes,” but who cowers timidly from craven fear.
Respectfully submitted on this May Day, 2019, in the 243rd year of America’s Independence, by:
Will Knedlik qua a U.S. citizen petitioner