Impeachment of current PENNSYLVANIA administration and Justices
WE THE PEOPLE, the undersigned citizenry of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the country of the United States of America, do hereby demand, Impeachment proceedings start immediately in regards to Thomas Westerman Wolf, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; John Fetterman, Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Kathryn BOOCKVAR, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as well as The following Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justices;
Thomas G. Saylor, Chief Justice
Max Baer, Justice
Debra Todd, Justice
Christine Donohue, Justice
Kevin Dougherty, Justice
David Wecht, Justice
Sallie Updyke Mundy, Justice.
WE THE PEOPLE call on the Legislature to proceed immediately on the charges of Dereliction and Deliberate violations of their oath of office to defend the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Constitution and that of The United States of America’s Constitution. The above named individuals have knowledgeably and intentionally violated the oath of office, an oath they swore to uphold, that was entrusted to them by the citizenry’s votes to;
defend and uphold the constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America,
Of which they deliberately and knowingly violated by breaking the laws intentionally of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Both the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are duly directed and demanded by the undersigned citizenry they represent to start impeachment proceedings immediately on the above individuals.
We the following do hereby demand of our representatives in both Chambers of the legislature of this Commonwealth to proceed without delay.