Improve vehicular and pedestrian safety in the Villages of Urbana
We’d like to express our continuing concern with vehicular and pedestrian safety in the Villages of Urbana, particularly along Worthington Boulevard, Sugarloaf Parkway and Carriage Hill Drive.
As our law enforcement officials, we are coming to you asking for your partnership and support in developing a more consistent, pro-active enforcement plan to improve vehicular and pedestrian safety in our community.
This petition is a follow-up to discussions that have been ongoing with State and County officials for more than a year and a half, particularly focused on Worthington Blvd. Since this time, additional members of our community have now joined the effort, expressing their concern and the area of concern has expanded.
With the help of State officials, the HOA and the developer (Natelli), we’ve had landscaping and roadway design changes implemented to improve safety but these changes are worthless if drivers feel they can drive recklessly without consequences. Consistent, pro-active traffic enforcement is a necessary element to change driver behavior.
While many drivers transit the area responsibly, far too many drivers ignore the fact that this is a pedestrian-laden residential community and operate contemptuously with little or no regard for the law or nearby children and pedestrians. In addition to being a quality of life issue, the consequences of ignoring these concerns could result in avoidable injuries or fatalities for our children and neighbors.
We look forward to working with you to address these issues in a true community/Government partnership and welcome your involvement.