Do not allow the 240 street infrastructure improvements to happen. It is not the solution to the problem. Over 100 children cross the street of 240th in fear that they might get hit. The district of Maple Ridge does not feel that the childrens safetey is important and therefore there will not be any improvements to the crosswalk. Instead they want to add 2 more lanes of traffic to 240 street. They want to add a left turn lane to Hill Avenue heading south and a right turn lane into the Albion Elementary school heading north. This may seem good but in doing so they are making the Albion Elementary school exit a right turn lane only. 95% of the children who get driven to school on a daily basis live on the north side of 240 street. In order to get home everyday, they would have to proceed on to the "all ready dangerous" lougheed highway and continue on until 235 street where they will then cause traffic on the quiet sub division of 235 street and 102 avenue. They are also wanting to put a barrier in the road so that drivers heading north off the lougheed highway cannot enter into Bruces Market which is a market that MANY people in the surrounding area of Albion shop. Again anyone wanting to head into the parking lot of Bruces Market will not be able to exit on 240 street to head north to their homes. This again is a major inconvienience to the people of Albion. One last thing that is very disturbing is that they would like to get rid of the beautiful boulevard that the homeowners on 240 street have looked after for the last 5 years and put a "gravel" bike route. 240 street is too dangerous to allow our children to ride their bikes to school.This would be useless.I do however believe that the one thing that they will improve on is the sidewalk. They want to put a proper sidewalk along 240 street for children who walk to school. I believe that what should be done is that they should align Hill Avenue with the Albion Elementary School road and put in a light. This would help every matter that has been addressed by both parties. The children would be safe, The flow of traffic would increase and it would cost less money in the long run. This petition will be sent into the mayor by July 6,2007. If you support our efforts to have the 240 street infrastructure improvements re-looked at, please add you signature below. Remember: Childrens safety comes first