IMVU Copyright Infringement Problem
IMVU is a web and client based program where a user is able to create artwork (mesh and texture art) for use of its community. Stated in IMVU's TOS(Terms of service), it reads“YOU RETAIN OWNERSHIP OF ANY COPYRIGHTS OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO ANY WORK OF AUTHORSHIP OR INFORMATION YOU CREATE AND SUBMIT TO IMVU, SUCH AS YOUR SUBMISSIONS.” This is true to an extent but as multipleinfringementsare made daily it gets too much for one person to handle. The TOS also includes DMCA and Counter System which, even with the changes make it harder for the actual creator to state their copyright. Some users on IMVU think copyright infringement is just a game things like slander and emotional distress is quite rampant in these situations and IMVU amplifies the game aspect of a law by doing nothing. Please sign this so we can tell IMVU that we do care that our copyright is being infringed and IMVU needs to do something more than just accept DMCA’s and Counters. Help me fight the source and make 2014 the year of the creator.