Petition to stop Unnecessary Disabling
Dear IMVU, It has come to our attention that some IMVU users are getting disabled for no apparent reason. While some do deserve disabling for malicious acts, those that are innocent do not. Most of us are in groups where there are lots of competitions. So we may understand reporting of users may come from that. It seems from the amounts of people we know who are getting disabled that the current system you have in place is not a thorough process. By that we mean, it seems if someone reports a user, their account gets disabled without having it get looked at to see why that person is being reported. Some of us are VIP and AP members, IMVU Developers, and as well as those who support IMVU by purchasing credits from the credit store deserve the right to know why they are being disabled. In addition, a better system that protects us from random disabling needs to be in place. We all enjoy IMVU and everything that comes with it. Sometimes it is hard to enjoy when we have to worry about getting reported and disabled for no reason with no explanation. Please un-disable Papidon.