In Opposition of Development at 18225 Coastline Drive, Malibu
Re: Project No. R2015-03107-(3) / Tentative Parcel Map 073804 /
Minor Coastal Development Permit 201500112
Opposition to Project Approval
Dear Supervisor Kuehl:
The purpose of this correspondence is to notify you of my opposition to the proposed condominium development at 18225 Coastline Drive (the “Project”). I live in the Sunset Mesa community that surrounds this Project site. The approval of the proposed Project will negatively impact our community, particularly with regard to ocean and coastline views. Such views are so paramount within Sunset Mesa that the CC&Rs for the tract explicitly prohibit “any fence plants, hedges, or any other structure or device” from interfering with the ocean views enjoyed by adjacent lots within the community.
In 2014, the County adopted the Santa Monica Mountains Local Coastal Program (“LCP”) to guide development in our area. The very first overriding goal identified in the LCP’s Land Use Plan (“LUP”) is to “Protect, maintain, and where feasible, enhance and restore the overall quality of the coastal zone environment and its natural and man made resources.” Among the policies in the LUP that support this goal is Policy LU-35: “Require that new development preserve views of the ocean or Scenic Elements from public parkland, trails, Scenic Routes, and the principal permitted use on adjoining parcels…”
The Project as proposed is inconsistent with the LCP, and approval will set a bad precedent for future developments in our community. I respectfully urge that the Board of Supervisors grant the pending appeal and deny the Project as proposed.